Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Answer the following questions: In what situations would you want to use posed photos? Candid? How do these shots differ? 
Group photo:

Candid Photo:
Posed Photo:
In what situations would you liike to use posed photos?
I would want to use posed photos when I want to get a funny photos however, I would want to use the candid photos to get the natural feelings and feelings of free. These two shots are differ in a few ways. First of all, posed photo is a photo that a person artificially made the motion so the photos might become little bit unnatural and little bit awkward, but in my opinion, it is good for taking a funny picture. However, the candid photos can capture the natural posed person. In some ways, posed photos may create more awkward photos than the posed one but it has a positive aspect that it can capture the exact moment that he/she wanted to keep.
My name is Seokhee Han, and I'm from South Korea.  I'm 15years old in Russia, 17years old in Korea. I'd lived most of my life in Korea, but when I was 7 years old, my dad got an oppertunity to study at Washington University in America, so my family went to America for a year. Then, 2003, at the age of 8, my family came back to Korea and I graduated Yooldong Elementary shool. 6 months after I entered Judong middle school, my father got another oppertunity to work at Moscow, Russia since 2009. Now, 2012 this year is my third year in Moscow, and I'm looking forward going back to Korea next year.


When I was younger then now, I used to have lots of future career that I wanted to be. I wanted to be a lawyer, I wanted to be a doctor, police officer, fire fihter etc. However, now, I want to be either a public prosecutor or a pharmacist. I will study as hard as I can, and become a presecutor or a pharmacist.

3 photos that I like:

1. I like this photo because it makes me very calm. I like the colour of the tree leaves, and the colour of sky. The green leaves makes me calm, and relax, and I also like the amount of cloud in the sky.

2. I like the small water fall and the trees and bushes around the pond.  The sunlight coming from the left added brightness to the photo. I also feel very peaceful when I see this photo and  I think that's because of the light and the pond surrounded by green bushes.

3. I captured the moment when teacher sang a song with students and play guitar. I like the structure of this photo. People are between the tree branches, however, I didn't mean  to set the structure like this.

1 photo I don't like:

 I don't like this photo because the leaves are kind of dry,  and there are too many branches covering the sky, which made this photo messy.