Wednesday, November 7, 2012

President's Photographers Q&A

Comprehension questions & Answers Text

1. Whe was the first American President to be photographed while in office? What photographic precoess was used?

- James K, and the name of the process was "Daguerreotype"

2. President Abraham Lincoln had a photograph taken standing with his left hand on a stack of books. Why did he do this?

- To take a photo of his more scholarly aspects.

3. Critical thinking quewstions and answers text

Imagine you are the current President of the United States. What photographs would you like taken and shown to the public?

- I would like my passion of working and being familiar to all the people to be taken and shown to the public because it is going to affect me in a good way some how.

Comprehension questions & answers text

4. What does White House Photo editor Alice Gabriner likes for in selecting the right photographs to present to the public?

- She checks whether the photo is original, and whether they had the same photos than before.

5. Under President Obama, who has final approval all the photographs releases to the public?

- His communication team.

6. Why did President Obama decide not to personally approve all the photographs release to the public while Lyndon B. Jonson did?

- Photograph can make him completely ridiculous.

7. Why do presidents and their staff review photographs before they are released?

- That is because they are very famous people and the most important thing to them is the supports of the citizens. But if they don't review the photographs and make mistakes, that inappropriate photograph will shown to the whole world especially US president, as he is the president of a strong country, it is very dangerous to not to review their photographs. Their secrets and their privacy that they didn't meant to disseminate will spread through out the whole world.

8. Who was the Chief White House Photographer of George W. Bush? 

- Eric Draper

9. What did Chief White house photographer Eric Draper say was the most intense moment during his entire time at the white house?

- When the secretary of Defense and Vice president and George W. Bush discuss about the War with Iraq.

10. What did George W. Bush say is the hardest decision any president to make

- To decide to have a war is the most hardest decision because he already know well that many young soldiers of US will going to die in the war field because of his decision.

11.Who did George W. Bush ask to follow him onto the South Lawn of the White House after he made the decision to go to war?

- Vice president and a secretary of Defense.

What do you think was being discussed in the Situation Room before George W. Bush left the room visibly upset?

-Something that is related to his decision (decide to have a war)

13. If you were the President of the United States, what would be some reasons you would use to decide to go to war?

- The huge amount of oils that are buried under the land of Iraq.

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